Meet Sage
The Perfect Gut Health Plan
I have designed my products and services based upon ASCENSION Model toward INNER COURAGE.  
With this model, clients take steps to:
Overcome Fear  |  Increase Belief  |  and  Trust Gut Instincts
The gut is an interpretation of emotion.  Building relationship with this visceral organ is a quintessential step for achieving gut flow.  
Gut health marketers sell the magic of oral to gut, or top to bottom, cleansing.  This approach will certainly yield short-term results but, will it support you in the long run?
For people seeking long-term and independent gut function, gut relations begin with the action of exit to entrance, omega to alpha, anal to oral, or what I like to call exit cleansing.
Your journey to long-term gut function begins NOW.  First, review the Gut Flow Ascension Model below.  Based upon your self-identified archetype
  • YOU DECIDE: next steps
  • YOU DECIDE: where to start
  • YOU DECIDE: when it is time to ascend and
  • YOU DECIDE: the rate at which you ease into gut flow
I am here to guide you, unconditionally, through the journey.
Gut Flow Ascension Model
$0 - $100
  • Searching: Your gut is telling you to move forward but you are looking outside yourself for answers.
  • Validation: You have an idea of what you want but are seeking written validation.
  • Naysayers: The naysayers around you are validating your fears.
  • Discomfort:  The intermittent gut discomfort is worrisome.
  • Instincts:  It is difficult to move forward based, strictly, upon trusting your gut instincts.
$97 - $2k
  • Pain: You are currently in pain.  Sometimes it is unbearable.
  • Doctor: You tried doctor recommendations with little to zero results.
  • Emergency: You tried the emergency room enema with little to zero results.
  • Desperate:  You desperately tried foreign objects to force results unsuccesfully
  • Results:  You simply want a fruitful result right now!
$197 - $5K
  • Knowing: You know what you want.
  •  Mindfulness: Your mind is made up to begin mind-gut cleansing.
  • Questions:  You have specific questions about the impact of mind-gut cleansing on your condition. 
  • Details:  You want to know more details about the administration of guided colonics.
$60K - $400K
  • Change: You have written the script for this life you are living but you know it could be better.  You are ready to improve.
  • Optimal: Your gut function is manageable but you are ready to respond to the call for improvement.
  • Higher: Emotion-ally you have everything desired but something is missing and you are ready to reach for it.
  • Explore:  Mentally, the details are unclear but you are ready to take the journey of exploration.
  • Guidance:  You know the importance of a spiritual guide for this mind-gut journey.
  • Flow: You have worked extensively with Sage Joya and have an understand of the mind-gut connection.
  • Grounded: You know the impact of your mental, physical & emotional state over your gut.
  • Increase: You are thriving in your personal and professional goals.
  • Self-Love:  You are in love with you therefore it is easy to love another.
  • Relationships:  Your personal and professional relationships are solid.
  • Choice:  It feels good to know that gut health is completely your choice.
What Is Gut Flow?
Gut Flow is a system of digestive organs, and accessory partners, working collectively to masticate, liquify, mix, absorb, propel and excrete daily-ingested food, timely.
Gut Flow utilizes the last digestive organ, a colon or large intestine, as its intelligence guide. All preceding digestive organs depend upon colon productivity as a complimentary gauge for their continued performance.
To experience Gut Flow a colon must consistently demonstrate ease of waste discharge. Thereafter a small intestine absorbs better, the stomach liquifies efficiently, an esophagus propels smoothly and teeth chew thoroughly.
Watch The Video
The colon dictates Gut Flow. If it stops working, digestive dysfunction prevails and the immune system weakens... guaranteed!
FlowTreasure | A Division of Lifetime Health & Consulting | All Rights Reserved. - Copyright ©  2020
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